Well being a new mum at the moment my life has become a world of 4 Hour intervals planing my day around feeding my bub and what i can get done in the down time while he is asleep. I seem to be managing keeping the house work in check and having some extra time to myself until he's a little more active.
I have had the time this week to put together this nappy cake which i am going to give as a gift for a friend who had her baby this week.
I have searched the web for ideas and had a look at how a friend of a friend who does these for a business while shes on maternity leave. Its not that hard you just need to be creative in what to put in your cake teirs. I have put this together very simply with some over supply of baby stock that i have received cause you dont need 50 bibs and wraps which is what i have from presents i received from family and friends.. I just have to finsh it off and wrap up in some celophane
till next time